An optimized metaproteomics protocol for a holistic taxonomic and functional characterization of microbial communities from marine particles
This study aimed to establish a robust and reliable metaproteomics protocol for an in-depth characterization of marine particle-associated (PA) bacteria. To this end, we compared six well-established protein extraction protocols together with different MS-sample preparation techniques using particles sampled during a North Sea spring algae bloom in 2009. In the final optimized workflow, proteins are extracted using a combination of SDS-containing lysis buffer and cell disruption by bead-beating, separated by SDS-PAGE, in-gel digested and analysed by LC–MS/MS, before MASCOT search against a metagenome-based database and data processing/visualization with the in-house-developed bioinformatics tools Prophane and Paver. As an application example, free-living (FL) and particulate communities sampled in April 2009 were analysed, resulting in an as yet unprecedented number of 9354 and 5034 identified protein groups for FL and PA bacteria, respectively. Our data suggest that FL and PA communities appeared similar in their taxonomic distribution, with notable exceptions: eukaryotic proteins and proteins assigned to Flavobacteriia, Cyanobacteria, and some proteobacterial genera were found more abundant on particles, whilst overall proteins belonging to Proteobacteria were more dominant in the FL fraction. Furthermore, our data points to functional differences including proteins involved in polysaccharide degradation, sugar- and phosphorus uptake, adhesion, motility, and stress response.
A 20% of marine bacteria lives attached to algae or marine particles (Azam et al., 1983). These marine particles consist of various kinds of organic matter, i.e. dead/dying zoo- or phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, as well as inorganic small particles held together by a sugary matrix consisting of polysaccharide-composed transparent extracellular particles (TEPs) composed of polysaccharides, which are exuded mostly by phytoplankton but also bacteria (Alldredge et al., 1993). These particle-associated (PA) microbial communities have adapted to strive and survive in marine environments. Whilst some bacteria are only loosely associated with algae, others colonize algal surfaces (Grossart, 1999), where they form commensalistic or symbiotic communities with their host or even forage on algae (Sohn et al., 2004; Amin et al., 2012). Marine particles grow while sinking and thus contribute largely to the ‘biological pump’ by transporting carbon to deeper waters and sediments (Volkman and Tanoue, 2002). These aggregates may reach several centimetres in diameter. They are enzymatically well equipped to metabolize high-molecular weight substrates, thus providing nutrition to the attached community as well as leaving smaller carbon compounds to the surrounding water column community (Simon et al., 2002; Grossart, 2010).
About one decade ago, scientists started to link molecular systems biology of microorganisms to ecosystem level processes (e.g. reviewed in the study by Raes and Bork, 2008). Metagenomic studies provide valuable knowledge about diversity and distribution of microorganisms in natural environments. Moreover, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics approaches were established to investigate, which genes are expressed at a given time point and which proteins are particularly abundant in complex biological systems. Metaproteomics has meanwhile widely proven its potential to revisit microbial ecology concepts by linking genetic and functional diversity in microbial communities and relating taxonomic and functional diversity to ecosystem stability (Schneider and Riedel, 2010). Numerous studies, describing large-scale proteome analyses of acid-mine drainage (AMD) biofilms (Ram et al., 2005), wastewater treatment plants (Wilmes et al., 2008), and fresh-water stream biofilms (Hall et al., 2012) have demonstrated the power of metaproteomics to unveil molecular mechanisms involved in function, physiology, and evolution of surface-associated aquatic microbial communities. Marine metaproteomics has meanwhile been widely applied (Wang et al., 2014; Saito et al., 2019), in particular in habitats such as ocean scale shifts (Morris et al., 2010), the Atlantic (Bergauer et al., 2018) or Antarctic oceans (Williams et al., 2012), e.g. to investigate Roseobacter clade (Christie-Oleza and Armengaud 2015) and bacterioplankton (e.g. Wöhlbrand et al., 2017a) physiology. Teeling et al. (2012) studied the bacterioplankton response to a diatom bloom in the North Sea by an integrated meta-omics approach employing metagenomics and metaproteomics and provided strong evidence that distinct free-living (FL) populations of Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria, and Alphaproteobacteria specialize in a successive decomposition of algal-derived organic matter. As mentioned above, a significant fraction of decaying algal biomass is, however, mineralized by heterotrophic bacteria living on particles, which process a large fraction of the biosynthesized organic matter (Azam, 1998) and are thus greatly contributing to large-scale carbon fluxes (Bauer et al., 2006).
So far, the majority of the published studies focused on FL bacterioplankton, thereby leaving the PA bacterial communities largely unexplored. This is mainly due to the high complexity of PA samples, the presence of DNA/protein-binding polysaccharides and process-interfering substances as well as a lack of (meta)genomic information (e.g. Wöhlbrand et al., 2017b) although information on marine metagenomes is constantly growing (reviewed by Mineta and Gojobori 2016; Alma'abadi et al., 2015). Previous experiments also indicate that a high abundance of eukaryotic proteins contributes to these challenges (Smith et al., 2017; Saito et al., 2019).
Our goal was therefore to establish a robust and reproducible metaproteomics protocol enabling in-depth analyses of marine particles. For this purpose, we tested different established protocols for their applicability for protein extraction from PA bacteria in order to unravel the PA community's specific contribution to polysaccharide decomposition in marine habitats. We hypothesize that these communities express specific genes to adapt to the sessile life style and to the availability of specific polysaccharides (as observed by Ganesh et al., 2014).
Results and discussion
Establishment of a metaproteomics pipeline for PA microbial communities
As stated above, metaproteomic analyses of PA microbial communities are severely hampered by their high complexity, the presence of a large proportion of eukaryotic proteins, the sugary particle-matrix as well as the lack of (meta)genomic information on PA-specific pro- and eukaryotes (Wöhlbrand et al., 2017b; Saito et al., 2019). Whilst the metaproteomics analyses by Teeling et al. (2012) and Kappelmann et al. (2019) of FL bacterioplankton (harvested on 0.2 μm filters) sampled during spring blooms from 2009 to 2012 off the German island Helgoland (54°11′03”N, 7°54′00″E) resulted in the identification of several thousand protein groups, the PA microbial communities retained on 3 and 10 μm pore-sized filters were notably more difficult to analyse by the integrated metagenomic/metaproteomic approach employed at that time. For sample preparation, 500 l raw seawater were subjected to a fractionating filtration through 10 μm, 3 μm (PA fractions) and 0.2 μm (FL fractions) pore size filters (for further information about the sampling process please refer to the supporting information of Teeling et al. 2012). Everything that is retained on a 3 μm pore size filter is regarded as marine particles in the following.
Protein extraction
Efficient protein extraction is a crucial step for successful metaproteomics analyses of microbial communities. In a first step, we therefore tested five different protein extraction methods that employ different strategies and that were already successfully applied for metaproteome analyses of microbial communities from different environments, i.e. sewage sludge (phenol extraction; Kuhn et al., 2011), leaf litter (SDS-TCA; Schneider et al., 2012), stream hyporheic biofilms (SDS-acetone; Hall et al., 2012), hypersaline microbial mats (bead beating; Moog, 2012), and soil (freezing and thawing; Thompson et al., 2008; Chourey et al., 2010). In addition, the commercially available TRI-Reagent® (Sigma-Aldrich) for simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins was tested (Table 1 and Supporting Information Fig. S1A). Filter samples used for protocol evaluation originated from several sampling events in the 2009 spring bloom sampling campaign (two to four sampling events, Supporting Information Table S1). Total protein amounts extracted from the filters by each of the applied methods were quite variable (Table 1; Supporting Information Table S1 and Fig. S1B). Highest protein yield as determined by the Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay and 1D SDS-PAGE was obtained using the SDS-acetone or bead beating approach (Table 1 and Supporting Information Fig. S1B). In conclusion, SDS-acetone- and bead beating-based protocols turned out to be most efficient for protein extraction from particles and were therefore used for optimizing the downstream MS sample preparation procedure.
Protocol Nr. | 1 - Phenol | 2 - SDS-TCA | 3 - TRI-reagent® | 4 - Freeze and thaw | 5 - SDS-acetone | s6 - Bead beating |
References | Kuhn et al. (2011) | Schneider et al. (2012) | Sigma-Aldrich | Chourey et al. (2010) and Thompson et al. (2008) | Hall et al. (2012) | Moog (2012) |
Originally used for | Sewage sludge from biomembrane reactors | Leaf litter | Simultaneous extraction of RNA, DNA, and proteins | Soil | Stream hyporheic biofilms | Hypersaline microbial mats |
Composition of the protein extraction buffer | 0.1 M NaOH | 1% (w/v) SDS, 50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7 | TRI-Reagent® (guanidine thiocyanate and phenol monophase solution) | 5% (w/v) SDS, 50 mM Tris/HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.15 M NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 50 mM DTT, pH 8.5 | 1% (w/v) SDS, 50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 6.8 | 5% (w/v) SDS, 0.05 mM Tris/HCl, 0.1 M DTT, 0.01 M EDTA, 10% (v/v) glycerol, 1.7 mM PMSF, pH 6.8 |
Cell disruption methodology | Sonication 3 × 30 s (20% power output)* | Sonication 3 × 40 s (20% power output)* | TRI-Reagent® | Two freeze and thaw cycles (liquid nitrogen, rt), 10 min boiling | Sonication 5 × 1 min (20% power output), 15 min boiling, procedure repeated on the pellet | FastPrep® 6.5 m/s, 4 × 30 s |
Additional protein purification | phenol extraction (2×) | / | Chloroform extraction, ethanol extraction | / | / | / |
Protein precipitation | 0.1 M ammonium-acetate in methanol (1:5)** | 10% TCA | 2-propanol (1:1.5)** | 25% TCA | acetone (1:5)** | acetone (1:4)** |
Mean total protein amount (μg) 3–10 μm fraction | 8.9 | 22.7 | 16.1 | 25.2 | 38.6 | 27.3 |
Mean total protein amount (μg) ≥ 10 μm fraction | 8.8 | 12.8 | 38.2 | 24.3 | 102.1 | 114.2 |
- * Sonopuls HD2200 Bandelin electronic, Berlin, Germany.
- ** ratio samle: precipitant.
MS sample preparation
Total protein was extracted by the SDS-acetone and bead beating method from filters collected on 28 April 2009 and separated by 1D SDS-PAGE (Supporting Information Fig. S1B). Even though MS sample preparation via GeLC–MS/MS is more time-consuming compared to 1D or 2D-LC approaches, it has proven valuable to purify protein extracts and remove polymeric contaminants (e.g. Lassek et al. 2015; Keiblinger and Riedel, 2018) and yields comparable results as LC-based peptide fractionation (Hinzke et al., 2019). To determine whether an increase in the total number of individual gel sub-fractions will lead to more protein identifications, gel lanes (two technical replicates for each protocol) were cut in either 10 or 20 equally-sized fractions, proteins were in gel trypsin-digested and the resulting peptides were subjected to LC–MS/MS analysis. Moreover, we tested whether reduction and alkylation of the proteins prior to tryptic digestion increased protein identification rates (Supporting Information Fig. S1B). Searching the acquired spectra in the so far available 0.2 μm 2009 (MIMAS) database (Teeling et al., 2012) revealed that the best results (Supporting Information Fig. S1B and Fig. S2) were obtained by higher fractionation (20 gel pieces) without reduction and alkylation.
Optimizing databases
Metagenomic sequencing, assembly and annotation of FL (0.2 μm pore-sized filters) and PA (3 and 10 μm pore-sized filters) fractions of water samples collected during the Helgoland spring bloom 2009 was performed in parallel to the optimization of the metaproteomics protocol (for details see Supplemental Experimental Procedures). Unfortunately, most probably due to the high amount of eukaryotic DNA, length and number of assembled sequences of the large particulate fraction (10 μm pore-sized filters) was not sufficient for a valid data interpretation. Thus, the metagenomic database used for subsequent database searches was only composed of sequences of FL bacteria (0.2 μm pore-sized filters) and microbial communities present in the medium particulate fraction (3 μm pore-sized filters).
The LC–MS/MS spectra obtained with the bead beating protocol were searched against four different databases to identify the database that results in the highest number of reliably identified protein groups (Supporting Information Fig. S3): (i) the non-redundant NCBI database (NCBInr), (ii) a database with Uniprot sequences from abundant bacteria and diatoms identified by Teeling et al. (2012) (PABD), (iii) the database used by Teeling et al. (2012) containing proteins based on translated metagenomes of FL bacteria (0.2 μm pore-sized filters from different sampling time points) of the spring bloom 2009 (MIMAS) and (ivV) a database based on the metagenomes of the 0.2 and 3 μm pore-sized filters from samples of the 14 April 2009 (0.2 + 3 μm 2009). Best results were obtained with the 0.2 + 3 μm 2009 database (Supporting Information Fig. S3), which is not surprising as the resolving power of metaproteome analyses relies heavily upon the database used for protein identification (e.g. Schneider and Riedel, 2010; Teeling et al., 2012). It is, moreover, well accepted that metaproteomic data are most informative in combination with complementary omics approaches, i.e. genomics and transcriptomics (e.g. Banfield et al., 2005; Ram et al., 2005).
Since the bead beating-based protocol resulted in more reproducible protein yields compared to the SDS-acetone extraction protocol (Supporting Information Fig. S1B), was less time-intensive and resulted in the identification of the highest number of unique protein groups, bead beating was used for protein extraction in all subsequent analyses. A possible explanation for the efficiency of the chosen protocol is the effective disintegration of the particulate matrix by EDTA added to the extraction buffer (Passow, 2002).
Application example – comparative metaproteome analyses of FL and PA bacterioplankton
To evaluate whether the optimized protocol is suitable for a comparative metaproteomic analysis of FL and PA microbial communities, the procedure was applied to several fractions of a microbial community sampled in April 2009, i.e. 0.2–3 μm (= FL), 3–10 μm and ≥ 10 μm (= PA) fractions. Five technical replicates of each sample were subjected to the final optimized workflow (Fig. 1) and the resulting MS/MS-data were searched against the matching metagenome-based database (0.2 + 3 μm 2009). Employing our optimized pipeline, we were able to record 360 000–460 000 spectra per technical replicate and about 20 000 spectra per gel fraction, which subsequently led to the identification of 9354 protein groups (19.4% of spectral IDs; 89 240 out of 460 000), 2263 protein groups (10.2% of spectral IDs; 36 720 out of 360 000), and 2771 protein groups (10.7% of spectral IDs; 47 080 out of 440 000) for the 0.2–3 μm (Supporting Information Table S2), 3–10 μm (Table S3), and ≥ 10 μm (Table S4) fractions respectively. This is, at least to our knowledge, the largest number of protein groups ever identified for marine particles. Comparable studies addressing metaproteomic analyses of marine sediments of the Bering Sea (Moore et al., 2012), the coastal North Sea, and the Pacific Ocean (Wöhlbrand et al., 2017b) identified less than 10% of the protein identification numbers resulting from the here presented novel metaproteomic pipeline.

About 1956 of the identified protein groups of the two PA fractions were also identified in the FL fraction and only 276 proteins were exclusively found in the PA fractions (Supporting Information Fig. S4). This suggests that protein expression profiles of planktonic and particulate bacteria vary less than expected. However, this might also be due to the fact that PA bacteria are known to be tychoplanktic and, e.g. as offspring cells searching for a place to settle, may thus only temporarily be part of the planktonic community (Ghiglione et al., 2007; Grossart, 2010; Crespo et al., 2013). Moreover, clogging of filter pores by particles may cause retention of FL bacteria thus contaminating the PA fractions by planktonic bacteria.
Taxonomic differences between FL and PA bacterioplankton
Besides the similarity of the FL and PA metaproteomic data sets, the phylogenetic assignment of the identified protein groups indicated some notable taxonomic differences between the FL and PA fractions (Fig. 2 and Supporting Information Table S5).

As expected, PA fractions contained considerably more eukaryotic proteins than the FL fraction (Fig. 2A). These proteins comprised 43% (3–10 μm fraction) and 54% (≥ 10 μm fraction) of the protein groups identified from particles but contributed only 11% to the protein groups identified in the planktonic fraction. Many of these proteins were assigned to known phytoplankton taxa (Supporting Information Fig. S5) reflecting the ongoing phytoplankton bloom. Moreover, abundant proteins were also assigned to Oomycetes (water moulds, e.g. Peronosporales, Saprolegniales) and Fungi (e.g. Cryptomycota), indicating that saprotrophic or parasitic eukaryotes (Jones et al., 2011; Nigrelli and Thines, 2013) may contribute to phytoplankton biomass degradation during algal blooms (Supporting Information Fig. S5). Notably, the number of viral protein groups was found to be almost three times higher in the two particulate fractions when compared to their planktonic counterpart (Fig. 2A). The most abundant bacterial phyla within both, the FL and PA fractions, were Proteobacteria (FL 55%; PA 41% and 39%, 3 μm and 10 μm pore-sized filters) and Bacteroidetes (FL 40%; PA 48% and 47%, 3 μm and 10 μm pore-sized filters). In the study of Teeling et al. (2012), proteins derived from planktonic samples were mostly assigned to Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. The most prominent clades within the Bacteroidetes were Flavobacteria and, to a lower extent, Ulvibacter, Formosa and Polaribacter. Gammaproteobacteria were dominated by the clades Reinekea and Roseobacter. These findings are in good accordance with our results obtained for the planktonic fraction. Proteins expressed by Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria were generally more dominant in the FL bacteria, whilst proteins assigned to Cyanobacteria (e.g. Synechococcus, Arthrospira), Opitutae, Flavobacteriia (e.g. Arenitalea, Olleya, Algibacter, Lacinutrix), and some proteobacterial genera (e.g. Oceanicoccus, Candidatus Puniceispirillum, Neptuniibacter, Halioglobus, Ramlibacter) were more abundant in the PA fraction (Fig. 2B). This is in good accordance to other studies, which reported Bacteroidetes in both, FL and PA, bacterioplankton (DeLong et al., 1993; Eilers et al., 2001; Abell and Bowman, 2005; Alonso et al., 2007). Moreover, Flavobacteriia have been found highly abundant during phytoplankton blooms indicating that they play an important role as consumers of algal-derived organic matter (Simon et al., 1999; Riemann et al., 2000; Pinhassi et al., 2004; Grossart et al., 2005; Teeling et al., 2016; Chafee et al., 2018).
Functional differences between FL and PA bacterioplankton
Notably, differences in the protein profiles between FL and PA bacteria seemed more evident on the functional level (Fig. 3). Most importantly, the SusC/D utilization system, specific glycoside hydrolases, i.e. GH family 1, 13, and 16 (including beta-glucosidases, alpha-1,4-amylases, and exo- and endo-1,3-beta-glycanases), glycosyl transferases and TonB-dependent transporters were found with higher overall expression levels in the PA fractions compared to the FL fraction (Fig. 3A). This is in good accordance with the high substrate availability (Caron et al., 1982; Grossart et al., 2003; Fernández-Gómez et al., 2013), especially the presence of highly abundant microalgae storage polysaccharides, i.e. alpha- and beta-glucans (Kroth et al., 2008), in the particles. Sulfatases, capable of cleaving sulfate sugar ester bonds, are contributing to the degradation of specific sulphated algal polysaccharides such as mannans and fucans (Gómez-Pereira et al., 2012). This is well supported by our finding that sulfatases are strongly expressed by PA Flavobacteriia, especially Formosa sp. (Fig. 3A and B).

Moreover, our data indicate that FL and PA seem to employ different strategies for phosphate acquisition, stress response as well as adhesion and motility (for further information, please see the Supporting Information).
Conclusions and outlook
In this study, we present a broadly applicable metaproteomics protocol for successful extraction of proteins from marine particles. Our comparative metaproteomic analyses of marine microbial communities living either planktonically or attached to particles resulted in an as yet unequalled number of identified protein groups for marine particles and gave first insights into the expression of life style-specific functions of bacteria living on particles.
Although our optimized metaproteomic workflow significantly improved the identification rate of PA proteins, the number of protein identifications from the particles is still considerably lower compared to FL bacterial communities. We assume that especially the high abundance of eukaryotic proteins poses problems in protein identification due to the complexity and diversity of microbial eukaryote genomes and the presence of introns and repeats in the metagenomic DNA sequence databases, which hinders peptide identification (Saito et al., 2019). Metaproteome coverage of marine particles could be significantly improved by employing customized databases including eukaryotic metatranscriptomic (RNA-based) sequence data (Keeling et al., 2014). This can be achieved by generating metatranscriptomes from the particular fractions. Alternatively, protein identification could also be substantially improved by extracting already existing metatranscriptomic and metagenomic data from relevant eukaryotic taxa from public databases. Key to the latter approach is reliable information on which eukaryotic organisms make up the particles, which can be attained by 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Perspectively, we will extend our analyses on eukaryotic taxa and analyse multiple time points during phytoplankton blooms to investigate succession of taxonomical clades and expressed functions of marine particles from pre-bloom to post-bloom conditions.
The authors thank the DFG for financial support (RI 969/9-1) in the frame of the Research Unit ‘POMPU’ (FOR 2406). The authors are grateful to Sabine Kühn for technical assistance and to Thomas Schweder for helpful discussions.